This isn't my thing.

Jag tror nog inte att det här är min grej riktigt. Eller så är det det. Jag vet inte riktigt. Jag vet att jag inte har skrivit på ett tag. Kanske drar jag vidare någon annanstans. Vi får se hur det blir.


I know I'm slow.


I never thought.

I never thought that it would end up like this. I can't believe you had those feelings for me, when I did too. But you were the first one telling me. I was so scared of telling I was in love with you, I was scared beacuse I didn't wanted to destroy our friendship. As always I'm the one hearing it, and not the one telling it. I'm so happy that we both felt this way. But I'm also scared. I never thought it would end up like this. I was too scared of being prooved wrong that I didn't had the courage to hope for it to be me.


Lite ensam bara.

Jag råkar känna mig lite ensam bara. Sådär ensam, när det gör ont. När man inte vet vad man ska göra, för att saknaden gör så ont. Sådär ensam känner jag mig. När det gör för ont, egentligen, fast man försöker att övertala sig själv att det nog inte är så farligt ändå. Jag tror jag är på väg neråt igen. Men jag vill verkligen inte, jag vill ju vara glad. Jag vill inte sakna. Jag orkar inte sakna, inte än.


Don't want to lose you.

I really don't want to lose you. I need you. Please stay, just for today. I know I'll never be able to let you go. And I'm sorry for that. I really am.


When night falls I'm more creative than ever.

When night falls, and the stars are visible at the sky, far, far away. That's when I grab my pen, take my paper and start writing. I always end up with something that I'm happy with. Writing makes me happy. That's why I love those nights.


I can't even find you in my dreams.

Somedays, I wonder where you are. I wonder where I can find you, beacuse it's impossible to find you in my dreams. I've tried so hard, but it doesn't work. Now that I know you're not in my dreams, could you please tell me where to find you? I'm in desperate need of you, even though I don't even know who you are. I'm in a desperate need of someone.


When night turns to day.

It's when the sun goes up and reaches the rooftops, that I realize that it's you I've been waiting for, all night. And why I still can't see you is still a mistery. Maybe it wasn't you I was waiting for, after all. Maybe you're not enough for me. But tonight, I don't need no other. I just need you, someone to keep me company when I'm scared at nights. Someone to hold me tight when it's dark outside. And this night, it happend to be you.


Letters in my mailbox.


Please, don't let me run free.

Mitt första inlägg blir väl det här då. Rätt roligt måste jag erkänna! Tyvärr har jag inte så mycket att skriva (eller snarare inte så mycket tid till det). Jag vet fortfarande inte vad jag har tänkt skriva om. Vi får väl vänta och se.


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